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Medical Law Course

Ethicscpd presents a series of medical law courses aimed specifically at Healthcare professionals registered with the HPCSA. These courses can be done online or by way of physical lectures at venues throughout South Africa.


This medical law course has been presented to various medical professionals throughout South Africa since 2008. The course focus is on what the actual law states and we strive to stay away from the philosophical and abstract type course content usually associated with ethics courses. The course is prepared and presented by a lawyer who specializes in medical law and is formally accredited for HPCSA CEU points in the Ethics category.

These are the types of questions you will get answers to when completing the full medical law course:
  • Should informed consent always be in writing?
  • Which risks should I mention to my patient?
  • My patient is HIV positive and refuses to inform the spouse – what steps should I take now?
  • For how long should I retain my clinical records?
  • What are the 5 requirements I must meet when I amend entries in my records?
  • What test does the Courts use to decide if there was medical negligence?
  • Can I be held liable for the negligence of my locum?

HPCSA CEU: 7 points in the ethics category

This course combines all the course content of the individual medical law courses and provides the healthcare practitioner with information on the law and ethics relating to informed consent, patient confidentiality, clinical records and deals with the issue of medical negligence. 

Special Course Price: R150.00 (limited time)


HPCSA CEU: 1 point in the ethics category

This course focuses on the legal and ethical requirements that are imposed on healthcare professionals when it comes to clinical records. How should you go about amending your records? For how long should it be retained? What is the minimum information that has to appear in clinical records and on sick certificates?

NB – This is a sub-course of the full medical law course.

Cost: R50.00


HPCSA CEU: 2 points in the ethics category

A look at the law and ethics as it applies to confidentiality. What safeguards do you need in place to comply with the law and when may clinical records be disclosed? We also look at instances where disclosure of confidential information may take place without a patient’s consent and how to deal with patient files when a practice is closed.

NB – This is a sub-course of the full medical law course.

Cost: R100.00


HPCSA CEU: 2 points in the ethics category

This course deals with the law and ethics relating to informed consent. Amongst other things we look at the process that should be followed to obtain proper informed consent, how to obtain informed consent when dealing with minors or mentally incapacitated persons, and when informed consent should be in writing.

NB – This is a sub-course of the full medical law course.

Cost: R100.00


HPCSA CEU: 2 points in the ethics category

A course that looks in detail at the law on medical negligence. What is the test that courts use to determine if there was medical negligence? What process is followed during a claim? What can a patient claim for in a medical negligence case? What is the difference between a safe apology and an admission of liability? The course also provides practical tips on how to protect yourself against possible claims for damages.

NB – This is a sub-course of the full medical law course.

Cost: R100.00


We host a variety of medical law short courses via Zoom. The lectures are presented by Johann Roux and focuses on practical medical law topics like informed consent, confidentiality, patient records and medical negligence. These Zoom lectures can be done either on a one-on-one basis or in group lectures up to a maximum of 30 attendees per lecture. Please contact us for more details on dates and topics.


Should you attend any of our local in-person classes hosted at various cities in South Africa you will sign an attendance register and will receive your certificate on the day. In respect of our online Zoom classes you will simply complete a form at the end of the lecture confirming that you attended the lecture and you will receive your certificate via email on the same day. Lastly, when it comes to our online courses you can complete these at your own time and leisure and the process in respect of these courses is as follows:


Johann Roux is the owner and lecturer at Ethicscpd, a company that presents medical law courses to healthcare professionals registered with the HPCSA. He was conferred the LLB-degree by the University of Stellenbosch in 2005 and completed a certificate course in Medicine and Law presented by the University of Pretoria/UNISA during the same year. He specializes in medical law and has been lecturing on the subject since 2008.

Need more information? Make an enquiry now.

If you have a question, want some more information on our courses or would just like to speak to the lecturer, make an enquiry now and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.